To look up legislation in the Ohio House of Representatives go to:
You can look up specific bills by subject or their house bill number.
Nathan Manning--Ohio Senate
Please contact my office at Manning@OhioSenate.gov to share your thoughts on any bill pending in the Ohio Legislature so that I can keep your thoughts in mind when the bill comes before me for consideration.
E Mails for local media outlets:
Lorain Morning Journal- letters@morningjournal.com
Elyria Chronicle Telegram- letters@chroniclet.com
West Life- editor@westlifenews.com
Dylan Reynolds- dreynolds@chroniclet.com
Brad Dicken- bdicken@chroniclet.com
Andy Young- ayoung@chroniclet.com
Jordana Joy- jjoy@moriningjournal.com
Karen Uthe-Semancik- kusemancik@2presspapers.com
Elected Officials:
Senator Rob Portman Tel (202) 224-3353 www.portman.senate.gov/form/email-rob
Cleveland 216-522-7095
Toledo 419-259-3895
Cincinnati 513-684-3265
Congressman Bob Gibbs (district 7) (202) 225-6265 or 330-737-1631
Congressman Jim Jordan (district 4) (202) 225-2676 or 419-663-1426
Congressman Anthony Gonzalez (district 16) (202) 225-3876
Congressman David Joyce (district 14) (202) 225-5731
To look up contact info for all districts/states go to: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/current