Letters to the Editor
December 2023
GOVERNMENT SUPPORT FOR TERRORISM: Our Legislators should NOT provide any government-funded educational support, including any scholarships or grants for those students who promote racism, anti-semitic bigotry, and support terroristic organizations, as designated by the US Dept. of State, including Hamas, that takes hostages and slaughters innocent civilians. Instead, we should reserve our state schools and grants for students who respect our democracy and constitutionally protected freedom.
State colleges’ and universities’ admissions departments and the scholarship-granting divisions should not provide any financial benefits to students who demonstrate evidence of supporting terrorism; memberships, publications, social media and public demonstrations. In addition, the Federal Student and Exchange Visitor Program of the US Dept. of Homeland Security for student visas should be notified of any actions by government educational agencies on those guilty students. This extreme behavior must be addressed.
President of Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club Tomie Patton Ratherred@outlook.com;
September 2023
"Preserving voter integrity with photo Identification. In January 2023 Ohio passed HB 458 that included a requirement that when voters cast a ballot in-person, they must identify themselves with a photo ID to prevent voter fraud. As we know, if their photo ID is not available, a State voter photo ID card is freely available from the BMV. Also, voters can still register to vote without a photo ID by just voting absentee, using only the last four digits of their Social Security number.
The Avon-Avon Lake Republican Club wholeheartedly supports this accepted approach to prevent voter fraud. There are bound to be some challenges the first few times something new is implemented. Ohioans have worked long and hard to have this become a requirement, and we do not feel that due to a small decrease of provisional ballot acceptance, this requirement should be changed
We must minimize election vulnerabilities and restore faith in the process. It has suffered greatly in recent years. Voters must be assured to the highest degree possible that all future elections are open and honest for all lawfully registered voters. The Secretary of State, Frank LaRose should continue his efforts to ensure voter confidence in the integrity of the Ohio voting system and keep voter ID as a requirement. Frank LaRose should be thanked for his efforts to keep Ohio’s voting honest."
President of Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club Tomie Patton Ratherred@outlook.com;
June 2023
Avon-Avon Lake Republican Club recommends a "YES Vote" for Issue 1 - a 60% Voter Requirement for Ohio Constitutional Changes. A concerned consortium of diverse organizations, legislators and pro-life advocates have placed Issue 1 on the August 8th special election ballot to safeguard our Ohio Constitution. Issue 1 will require a vote of 60% for the approval of any Constitutional changes rather than a simple majority vote. Passage of Issue 1 in the August election will protect our rights, help prevent radical and damaging Constitutional changes and declare that our Constitution is not for sale.
Elevating the threshold for an Ohio Constitutional amendment approval to 60% of voters helps to ensure that any change would have widespread voter support and not include radical changes from out-of-state, well-financed and transient popular special-interest groups seeking to enrich themselves. As an example, to amend the US Constitution, approval of 66% of the members of both chambers and 75% of the States must take place.
President of Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club Tomie Patton, Ratherred@outlook.com;
June 2023
We are hoping that the Cleveland Guardians will not follow the example of the LA Dodgers, who supported the “Sisters” group, and instead, will encourage other MLB teams and the MLB organization to distance themselves from this and other hate groups. Though despicable, blasphemous and bigoted speech is allowed under the Constitution, by endorsing the “Sisters” group, the LA Dodgers compromised their own reputation and ridiculed all Catholics’ religious beliefs.
The same ridicule of other religions would not ever be tolerated, let alone be given an award! President of Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club Tomie Patton Ratherred@outlook.com;
Motivated by partisanship, the US Dept. of Justice (DOJ) has failed in their Mission by violating the principles of equal and impartial justice for all. The DOJ adopted a “double standard” that applies laws, based on personal beliefs or political party affiliation. Disparate treatment occurred in dealing with the “Hunter Biden computer disinformation” debacle and in the mishandling of Classified Documents by President Biden, e.g. unmonitored search managed by Democrat attorneys vs. surprise home raid by armed agents on former President Trump.
Also, the DOJ (See AG Garland Directive, 10/21) has classified parents as “domestic terrorists” worthy of attention by the FBI and directed federal law enforcement and counterterrorism resources against parents for voicing concerns about controversial curricula and education-related policies at local school board meetings. Further, the DOJ failed to enforce Federal Law (18USC-1507) and prosecute pro-abortion advocates who intimidated pro-life leaning Supreme Court Justices with disruptive-tactics at their homes. Even further, the FBI (Richmond) investigated “traditional Catholics” as a group.
Unequal justice undermines the principles of the US by misusing federal law enforcement and by applying “threat tags” to citizens for executing their rights to voice their concerns or practice their religion. These practices by the DOJ are dangerous to national stability and need to be corrected to return us to the unbiased rule of law.
Experimenting on Children
Ohio HB 454 or “Saving Adolescents from Experimentation Act” when reintroduced into the House is expected to bar healthcare professionals from providing gender-affirming experimental treatments, like hormone replacement therapy, puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgery to trans and gender non-conforming kids under age 18. HB 454 would also restrict gender transition services from private insurance plans, Ohio Medicaid and medical professionals may affect public funding of hospitals and prevent school officials from withholding gender identity information from parents.
Following gender transitional treatments, the long-term psychological and cognitive impacts on children are not known. These treatments on confused minors are not appropriate since conclusive evidence exists that a large portion of children with dysphoria lose their desire to identify with a sex other than their birth sex. Vulnerable children are not capable of giving informed consent and need to be protected from experimentation and exploitation. Ohio officials should join with other states and countries, e.g. Florida (Health Dept.), Arkansas ( Act 626), Texas and France, to advocate and legislate against pursuing unnecessary, risky, aggressive and irreversible treatments for children with gender dysphoria.
Florida Health Dept. guidelines recommend that children with gender dysphoria be socially supported by their peers and families, seek counseling by a licensed provider and not be encouraged by anyone into irreversible decisions as children. Advocating for gender transition is part of a nationwide agenda to push transgender-ideology on children, erase family values and eliminate parental authority and rights (See Washington State Senate Bill #5599). Pressuring by social workers or school officials, who bypass parents and exceed their authority, is “child abuse” (See TX Att. Gen. Opinion #KP-0401;8/23/21).
March 2023
Currently China has an indispensable role in the global drug supply chain and poses a security, economic and health threat to the whole world. This role was attained by China after a focused effort on their 2015 “Made in China 2025” staged program that features the robber baron tactics of disruption-domination-
The Covid 19 pandemic has brought to light the magnitude of this crisis. Steps need to be taken before we again learn the painful lesson of depending on a single supplier who can bring the world to its knees in a future crisis. Part of the solution could be to have the FDA require suppliers of drugs and medical devices to reveal the manufacturer and the origin of basic chemicals and intermediates used in their production. Furthermore, tariffs could be applied to Chinese-related products, manufacturing and safety standards can be enforced, penalties mandated for patent infringements, secondary suppliers encouraged, US research investments supported, agreements made with allies and non-adversarial nations to diversify the pharmaceutical supply chain and restrain China’s dominance. We need to take steps now with China before it’s too late.
President of Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club Tomie Patton Ratherred@outlook.com; (440) 308-8954; 32368 Regency Ct , Avon Lake 44012
May 20, 2022
Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act and Ohio HB 616
Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act specifies that classroom education should not include lessons about sexual orientation and gender identity to children at an early age, i.e. kindergarten through third grade. The Act indicates that parents are the primary decision makers for their children and have the fundamental right to preserve their children’s innocence. Further, the Act stipulates that parents are given options on what school-related healthcare services their children use as well as having access to all their children’s education and health records. Ohio House Bill 616 is similar to the Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act but in addition prohibits the teaching of concepts, e.g. critical race theory, that the State Board of Education defines as divisive or inherently racist. The Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club encourages supporting Bills like HB 616 that prevent the sexualization of children and the teaching of racist and divisive concepts. PRESERVE PARENTS' RIGHTS and PROTECT OUR CHILDREN!President of Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club, Tomie Patton Ratherred@outlook.com; (440) 308-8954; 32368 Regency Ct , Avon Lake 44012
May 16, 2022
Protect Our Children:
The Florida Dept. of Health recently adopted guidelines to halt the use of aggressive and harmful treatments, including puberty blockers, hormones and gender reassignment surgery for children under 18 years old with gender dysphoria alone. Following these treatments, the long-term psychological and cognitive impacts on children are not known. Treatments of these confused children are not appropriate since conclusive evidence exists that 80% of children with dysphoria lose their desire to identify with a sex other than their birth sex.
Florida guidelines specify that social gender transition including gender-affirming pronouns, restroom access, hairstyles and clothing should not be offered as a treatment option for these children. Florida’s review found that the recently issued federal guidance on gender dysphoria was only a crude attempt to inject political ideology into the healthcare of children.
Florida guidelines recommend that children with gender dysphoria be socially supported by their peers and families, seek counseling by a licensed provider and not be encouraged by anyone into irreversible decisions as children. Pressuring by social workers or school officials who are exceeding their rightful boundaries could be considered “child abuse”. Ohio officials should join with other states and countries (e.g. Florida, Texas and France) to advocate against pursuing unnecessary, risky, aggressive and irreversible treatments for children with gender dysphoria. President of Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club, Tomie Patton Ratherred@outlook.com; (440) 308-8954; 32368 Regency Ct , Avon Lake 44012
April 6, 2022
Outrage in Women’s Sports
No subjective feelings or medical treatments regardless of length or severity can convert males into females. Transgender males or biological men with gender dysphoria who wish to be women are now taking advantage of woke, intimidated and confused legislators, national sport governing bodies and women’s rights leaders to seal the demise of women’s sports, as we know it. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 was designed to remedy past discrimination against women in education and athletics. The introduction into women’s sports of males, e.g. NCAA Champion Lia Thomas of UPenn, who by nature have certain structural, processing and functional advantages, distorts the playing field of competitive sports and needs to be stopped since it is a threat to women’s rights.
Ohio legislators must now take action to correct the injustice, restore fairness, preserve privacy, promote safety and join many other states in prohibiting males from participating in women’s sports at any level. The gender identity issues of one group must not impede the rights or promote discrimination aimed at another group. Women must be allowed to reap the benefits, e.g. scholarships and gain the opportunities, e.g. launching of careers, from their athletic achievements. Women should not be forced to be become spectators in their own sports. Please contact you legislators and let them know your feelings about this issue. Stop Discrimination Against Women! President of Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club, Tomie Patton Ratherred@outlook.com;
April 3, 2022
Texas Heartbeat Act: A New Unique Prolife Approach
With all that is going on in the world, we cannot lose sight of other important issues - like life. The Texas Heartbeat Act allows a private civil lawsuit, for damages with a minimum of $10,000 plus costs, be brought against anyone who encourages or aids in an abortion when the baby’s heartbeat or cardiac activity is detectable or at about six weeks of baby development. The Texas Heartbeat Act represents a novel, clever and far-reaching prolife approach that has been allowed by the US Supreme Court to become effective and has already substantially decreased the number of abortions performed in Texas since September 1st.
The recently introduced Ohio House Bill 480 that is currently in Committee mirrors the Texas Heartbeat Act and passage now would have a dramatic effect on the 20,000 abortions that are routinely performed in Ohio each year. To save as many children’s lives as possible, Ohio legislators need to be encouraged to enact HB 480 or similar legislation NOW and take timely advantage of this new approach regardless of what eventually happens months from now when a Supreme Court decision is made on Roe vs. Wade. SAVE THE CHILDREN! President of Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club, Tomie Patton Ratherred@outlook.com;
March 14, 2022
Avon Avon Lake Republican Club Donates to Ukrainian Refugees
In light of the humanitarian crisis taking place in Ukraine, Tomie Patton, President of the Avon-Avon Lake Republican Club has provided more than $3000 from Club members to the Ukrainian Refugees Fund sponsored by St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Lorain, Ohio. St. Mary’s has advised that the fastest and most effective way to help the desperate Ukraine refugees in Poland is by accessing the donation button on the home page, https://uocofusa.org/ of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and contributing for Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine with PayPal (Verified) or Debit/Credit Card. You may also make a donation by mailing a check to St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 2304 E. 34th St., Lorain, OH 44055. Please note UKRAINE RELIEF on the memo line. St. Mary’s will post soon for other needed help, but is unable to accept any further donations of non-perishable food. President of Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club, Tomie Patton Ratherred@outlook.com;
February 11,2022 Avon – Avon Lake Republican Club Supports Canadian Truckers
Citizens of Canada and the United States of America have a constitutional right to freedom and control over their lives, including their health, without fear of intimation or reprisals from their respective governments. Therefore, the Avon – Avon Lake Republican Club has resolved to support the Canadian truckers’ peaceful protest known as the “Freedom Convoy” against the harsh, draconian vaccine mandates being imposed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government against cross border truck drivers. Such measures are not only an unwarranted infringement on their individual and collective freedoms, but will have a severe impact on the Canadian economy and the well-being of millions Canadian citizens.
The Canadian national motto is “A Mari Usque ad Mare”, which translates to “From Sea to Sea”, or as interpreted by the Avon – Avon Lake Republican Club, as we stand “shoulder to shoulder” with the Canadian truckers, in their honorable and peaceful protest against unwarranted government health mandates and infringement on personal freedom. President of Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club, Tomie Patton Ratherred@outlook.com;
January 12,2022
Improve Ohio Education with Real School Choice
Currently, Ohio’s EdChoice Scholarship Program only allows “low-income” parents to “escape” from Dept. of Education documented “poor performance schools”. Ohio citizens should be able to freely choose with the support of state funds, the school that their children attend. Ohioans should be allowed to withdraw their children from the underperforming and/or “indoctrinating” schools and have those school districts lose state funds associated with the exiting students. Undoubtedly, all "wise" schools would proactively improve their educational services to avoid losing state funds. All Ohioans have the right to seek the best quality educational services for their children with their tax dollars.We need to give Ohioans "real" free choice and increase educational quality. President of Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club Tomie Patton Ratherred@outlook.com;
December 9th, 2021
Misguided Compassion for Violent Criminals
Having compassion for documented violent criminals by having our justice system directed toward early release from prison, no or low bail, failure to prosecute or reclassification of violent crimes represents misguided emotion by liberal politicians/prosecutors and not equal justice. Criminals are violent by choice and not chance! Accountability must always be present in our society for violence. Public safety and not comfort and freedom for violent criminals should always have priority in our nation of laws.
Limiting interaction with others, denying mobility and having effective law enforcement are our society’s primary means of deterrence for violent criminals and protecting the innocent. Only successful approaches that reduce violent behavior by criminals should be pursued by our justice system.
Rejecting society’s punitive actions on violent criminals and embracing “anti-police” approaches by liberal politicians/prosecutors promotes criminality as shown by the recent increases in serious violent crimes in our major cities. Compassion should be reserved for victims. Violent criminals have already made their choice.
President of Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club, Tomie Patton
Nov 24, 2021
To the Editor:
The Avon-Avon Lake Republican Club thanks Attorney General Dave Yost for bringing lawsuits against the Biden administration to prevent the government’s overreach with the implementation of the unprecedented mandate for Covid-19 weekly testing or vaccinations covering -100 million workers. We agree with Yost, other states and the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals that characterized the mandate as fatally flawed and staggeringly overbroad with constitutional concerns. President Biden unlawfully abused his emergency power by having the Occupational Safety and Health Administration overstep its role since the nationwide vaccine mandate and other requirements have nothing to do directly with workplace risk and personal health-care decisions. Undoubtedly, Biden’s mandate would bring about harmful, unintended consequences in our supply chain and workforce.
President of Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club, Tomie Patton
November 16th, 2021
Overturned Vaccine Mandate
The Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club thanks Attorney General Dave Yost for bringing lawsuits against the Biden administration to prevent the government’s overreach with the implementation of the unprecedented mandate for Covid-19 weekly testing or vaccinations covering ~100 million workers. We agree with Yost, other states and the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals that characterized the mandate as fatally flawed and staggeringly overbroad with constitutional concerns. President Biden unlawfully abused his emergency power by having the Occupational Safety and Health Administration overstep its role since the nationwide vaccine mandate and other requirements have nothing to do directly with workplace risk and personal health-care decisions. Undoubtedly, Biden’s mandate would bring about harmful, unintended consequences in our supply chain and workforce.
President of Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club, Tomie Patton
September 27th, 2021
On this twentieth anniversary of 9/11, we all need to take time to recognize and thank all the members of our First Responder Teams including the Fire, Police, EMTs, 911 Operators and all their supporting staff. The courage and bravery shown by First Responders on that terrible day in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington DC can still be found in the hearts and actions of our past and current First Responders in Lorain County. These First Responders are professionals that expertly, patiently and consistently: help us; reassure us; care for us; mourn with us; send aid to us; carry us; watch out for us; protect us; warn us; remind us; save us; treat us; guide us; wait for us; listen to us; serve us; preserve our property; guard us; catch those who harm us and sometimes, at a risk to their own safety, act for us. For all these heroic actions we are all truly grateful and wish the best to them every day.
We are asking all the citizens of Lorain County, if you see any of these special people when out and about, to please thank them for their service or give them a “thumbs up” as a positive sign of our gratitude for the critically important job they do for us every day.
President of Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club, Tomie Patton
June 12, 2021
Free Speech Suppression and Media Arrogance
Social media giants of Facebook, Google and others demonstrate their power, arrogance and tyranny by arbitrarily censoring conservative speech without transparency. These monopolies run by oligarchs are promoting a radical leftist ideology and seek to determine public discourse by denying platform access, controlling speech, thought and content through intimidation and silencing voices that are contrary to their radical narrative. Accountability for their discriminating actions doesn’t currently exist.
On July 1st, Florida will start protecting its citizens and return their opportunity to communicate in the virtual public square. In Florida, information will flow freely; transparency exists; adequate notice of policy changes and reasons for punitive actions are given; and secret algorithms, inconsistent standards and deplatforming are eliminated. Florida prohibits the deplatforming of candidates and “Big Tech” can be sued. Congressional bipartisan anti-trust Bills are already surfacing to check the economic and censoring power of these monopolies.
Ohio citizens need to be free to express themselves online without arbitrary censorship and not be subjected to the anti-competitive tactics of these trusts. Ohio should protect us and restore the freedoms we once had before “Big Tech” becomes the final arbiter of the truth and too powerful.
President of Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club, Tomie Patton
May 25th, 2021
Save Ohio from Law Enforcement Insanity
A well-funded and respected police force is essential to maintain our freedoms and structure of society. Politicians and the media are trying to recreate America by presenting a warped perception of recent tragic events. These forces are shouting for law enforcement dismemberment based on false narratives of systemic racism and claims of widespread police misconduct.
Ohio must not: Defund the Police - Reimagine the Police
Interfere with Police Procedure
Eliminate Existing Crime Units
Reclassify Crime Severity
Promote Zero Bail and Empty Prisons
Actions like these have caused societal chaos with significant surges in major crimes in major US cities. Instead of being encouraged and supported, police are overworked, overwhelmed, burned out and are leaving cities or retiring.
Florida passed model legislation, "Combating Public Disorder", requiring all local jurisdictions to enforce laws, prohibit intimidation, respond to riots, not defund the police, protect people and property, extend holding of violators and enhance the severity of violent crimes on police. This law prevents local governments from acting in favor of radical leftists and anarchists seeking reckless reform to fulfill their fantasies of destroying America as we know it. The rule of law must be preserved in Ohio and the insanity must be stopped.
President of Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club, Tomie Patton
February 1st, 2021
Response to a Disappointing 1/22/20 WestLife Editorial
The 1/22/20 “Bullying rarely changes minds or the end result” editorial presents a biased view on pro-life activities and motivation. Pro-Life experience has shown that prayerful vigils, offered counseling and free ultrasounds, give expectant Moms a last-minute opportunity to reflect on alternatives regarding the fate of their developing baby and sometimes helps them to choose life. Pro-life approaches used by Cleveland Right To Life are directed to help Moms and are not bullying or shaming. Progress toward choosing life is made every day a March for Life occurs as evidenced by signs of approval from March passers-by.
Laws can be used as guiding lights for society’s rules but are not a substitute for distinguishing between right and wrong choices. Laws have changed in a heartbeat. Morality doesn’t. Morality is primarily based on our own humanity, learned values from our parents, religious teachings and is not necessarily dependent on laws, e.g. Hong Kong protestors. Morality can be suppressed in us but is usually represented whether we are listening or not, by that small but persistent inner voice in the back of our heads that whispers to us and tries to guide our behavior.
Slavery was at one time accepted by society, allowed by law, drove an economy and led to the imprisoning of abolitionists. Pornography, excessive gambling and chemical abuse, e.g. alcohol, are freely available endeavors based on commercial interests, current societal values and are all allowed under the law. These practices are reflective of the more unsavory aspects of our human nature and certainly cannot be defined as good behavior.
Abortion, “plain and simple” is sacrificing innocent developing children for efficiency and economy and is considered by about one-half the US population as immoral. People can make responsible choices before the time of conception but once new individuals are started termination forfeits their rights. All humans are entitled to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. As a proof of how most parents feel, think of the enormous personal and governmental efforts that are expended, without question every day in hospitals in every state and worldwide to save premature children.
Pro-Life activists want our society to pause and reflect on what we are doing when we permit the termination of more than 60 million children since 1973. Based on their moral compass, some major retailers have decided to stop selling tobacco and others don’t sell guns any longer. As a responsible corporation dedicated to the common good and interest in health care, Planned Parenthood should be separating itself from any services that kill innocent children regardless of what the percentage is in their business model. Future generations will be looking back at our society as barbaric since we allow and sometimes promote the killing of our own children. What would Jesus do?
Member of Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club, Rudy Breglia PhD