Next Club Meeting---Thursday, March 13th
Ragan Hall, 1783 Moore Rd., Avon
Social Hour 5:00pm/ Meeting 6:00pm
**Club Dues: Patriot $25 per person/ Reagan Patriot $100pp/ Trump Patriot $250pp
Note: Club dues can be paid at the March meeting with cash or check OR mail dues to PO Box 6, Avon Lake OH 44012
Our Speakers:
Marty Gallagher, Lorain County Commissioner
Keith Davey, Citizens for Property Tax Reform
Website: reformpropertytax.com

Our New Ohio Senator
If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” - Alexander Hamilton
What does it mean to take a stand?
It’s pretty simple. It’s standing up for something or someone you believe in. Every single one of us has the power to do that. Standing up is a way of life. Taking a stand doesn’t always require a ton of work, effort, or strategy. It takes willingness. It’s making the right choices in the right moments.
It’s pretty simple. It’s standing up for something or someone you believe in. Every single one of us has the power to do that. Standing up is a way of life. Taking a stand doesn’t always require a ton of work, effort, or strategy. It takes willingness. It’s making the right choices in the right moments.
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